Health · Organization · Self-Discovery

Storytime: Brain Fog and Winter Blues

Hey everyone! I’m back! I’m going to talk about why I was gone in this post. As well as give some tips to help you out if you ever come across this situation. Also, I’m going to highlight some upcoming events in my life and some goals. Let’s get started!

Everything I note, I will try to go in chronological order, but I’ll also try not to make this post a novel lol. So it’s been a month and a half since I last posted, Valentine’s Day.

After Valentine’s Day was Chinese New Year and this year was the year of the dog. The dog is loyal and grounded, so earth signs will really connect with this years, furry friend. In addition, it helped me realize my theme and career choice that I will soon reveal.

I continued to look more into signs of everyday life, I noticed I started seeing roses. In turn, I posted my own personal roses on Instagram as a reminder and deeper meaning. I wanted to express and show what resonated with me.  I believe that even the little things in life we notice have a deeper meaning to guide us. After the roses, the next day I saw lots of yellow. Yellow is represented by the third chakra and it brings joy and optimism to the surface. It is a window of energy and communication, sparking creative thoughts and a positive future.

Monday, February 19, 2018

I had been trying to pinpoint my theme for 2018 and I just couldn’t really place it, because I had a variety of goals and ideas I wanted to focus on. This specific day was a “green” day, due to my horoscope reading ” You will have a green opportunity”. I was sitting here trying to figure out what it could be. I had been introduced to IT Works! recently, so I was thinking it could be that. 12:34 p.m. again with the numbers, I had seen an ad on my screen for the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. The Institute of Integrative Nutrition is a school based out of New York ( I will be taking it online) that allows you to become a certified Health and Nutrition Coach. My horoscope also said, “Make a big, brave decision” so I joined IT Works! the next day and I was so happy about it. Everything was lining up perfectly, oh and I almost forgot. My theme for 2018 is to be ” One With Nature”. I think I’ll write another post for themes to continue with “One with nature”. I also want to cover IT Works! in a separate post as well.

March 3rd-March 9th

I started to feel the symptoms of Brain Fog and until just recently I realized, I needed to take a step back. I was trying to rush into working online for the first time. Also, I didn’t have much interaction throughout the day, I was so focused on reaching my goal fast with no plan. This persisted off and on until I started taking time to hang out with family and friends. It’s funny because on St. Patrick’s Day, my sign Virgo in the Astro Twins monthly horoscope stated… Slow down, take quality time, detox, declutter, and meditate.

March 17th would kick off six months of growth and opportunities.

The following week I slowly started focusing on business opportunities and ways to educate myself through events and webinars. As I’m writing this post, I still am getting into webinars, taking notes, and applying them. Towards the end of the week, I and my partner went workout at Anytime Fitness. It was a much-needed workout and from there we talked about clean eating. From there I started to feel better and I wasn’t 100% out the brain fog, but the winter blues had gone away and spring entered my life. The weekend leading to the upcoming week is where I started to build internal confidence.

I took some quiet time and wrote a journal entry of how I felt and what I had forgotten. The emotion and the power inside drove me to a motivational feeling, that I wish would burn for days. To keep it simple for now, I wrote, “Be Inspirational. Be Independent. Be the change you want to see. Know your worth”. I titled this “Definition of a Girl Boss” and it felt empowering and made me feel confident writing it. You have to first inspire yourself and then inspire others. At the ripe age of 20, I get told all the time, that I am intelligent and wise for my age. I’m not saying this to brag, but It’s a confidence builder to become a young entrepreneur in the making. To be able to begin helping and inspiring others which is my mission.  Just remember not to get overconfident, learn every day, breathe in and out positivity everywhere you go.

Fortune cookies: “A great pleasure in life, is doing what others say you can’t” “See life through a child’s eyes, then you become truly wise” These are so deep to the core and I carry them with me as should you.

Wrapping up the month of March, Saturday was a Libra full moon. Whatever seeds you planted 6 months ago, you will surely start to see them grow. This is a perfect time to start new priorities and new habits. Remember to take your time, let go of anything negative in your life, and don’t forget to take care of yourself. Spring clean and ring in the new season.

Remember that “The best comes after the worst”.

Final Tips:

Declutter and even rearrange your space…I’ve learned that if certain items don’t resonate with you, serve a purpose, or if you can’t find it a home, get rid of it.

Get into a schedule or routine especially if you’re working from home, it will keep you in line.

Try out meal prepping, it’ll save time in the long run.

Wake up early every morning or at least at the same time.

Detox if you feel the need, Pinterest and YouTube have some awesome recipes to cleanse your body of toxins.

Light a candle, play some relaxing music and meditate.

Write 5 things you’re grateful for every morning.

It’s ok to take a power nap if you need one, keep it between 15-30 minutes.

Keep the inside healthy with whole foods and the outside with exercise.


If anyone is interested in cleansing their bodies, having trouble getting in your daily fruit and veggie intake, or just looking to gain natural energy while building your immune system. Check out Greens on the Go. If anyone has any questions feel free to contact me and I’ll leave my website down below.






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